Hair Growth post transplantation by FUE

Follicular Unit Extraction - The No Scalpel, No Strip, Minimally Invasive Procedure

Follicular Unit extraction or FUE is a relatively new technique of extracting grafts individually from the scalp. In this type of procedure a small round punch generally less than 1.00 mm in diameter is used to make a small circular incision around the follicular unit. These follicular units are then individually plucked from the scalp. This new procedure negates the need for a linear incision at the back and sides of the scalp with the inevitable scar that is produced.

The extracted follicles are then transplanted into the client's bald or thinning patch on the scalp, or in the pre-planned eyebrow area. FUE is carried out under local anesthesia ensuring full client awareness of what is going on throughout the procedure. Each follicle extracted from the client’s donor area and transplanted into the treated area is perfectly placed to match the hair arrangement, orientation, growth, angle and direction of the rest of the natural hair. All this is done with the utmost care and to the highest degree of client comfort.

Hair Regrowth post transplantation by FUE

The newly transplanted hair into the scalp is immediately visible, however, the hair cycle may involve the falling out of some of the transplanted hairs which then regrow after about 16 weeks. The newly transferred hair grows naturally in its new location for the rest of the person's life. Transferred hair is completely healthy and natural in appearance. Even persons with substantially receding hairlines and bald areas can receive very good coverage with FUE.

Benefits of FUE

  • Permanently Restores Natural Hair Growth
  • For Both Men & Women
  • No Scarring
  • No Bleeding
  • No Incision
  • Minimal to Nil Discomfort

Best Candidates for Follicular Unit Extraction

The best candidates for FUE hair transplant procedure include:

  • Patients interested in a smaller size procedure (typically up to 1,000 grafts).
  • Patients with a limited donor supply.
  • Patients with limited scalp elasticity.
  • Patient who have had several FUT procedures and subsequently have a limited donor supply or limited scalp elasticity.
  • Patients who have a need or desire to wear their hair exceptionally short.
  • Patients who don't mind closely clipping the donor area hair at the time of the procedure.

The Strip Technique

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) Strip Harvesting - a strip of scalp is removed under local anesthesia, the wound is then sutured back together and this piece of scalp tissue is then cut in to small pieces of tissue called grafts. This method will leave a linear scar in the donor area, which should be covered by a patient's hair (if long). The recovery period is around 2 weeks and will require the stitches to be removed by medical personnel.

Under the microscope follicular units are identified and dissected in a way that leaves them intact in their genetic form. They are then placed in the recipient area with the appropriate density, distribution, direction, angulations and orientation thus giving natural results.


  Strip Hair Transplant FUE Hair Transplant
Stitch Cutting open the skin and closing it with stitches, so can have stitch related problems No stitches. Minimally invasive
Scar Stitches leave permanent scar at the back of the head. You cannot keep your hair short because the scar will be visible Multiple pin head tiny marks which are not visible even if you keep you trim your hair to the size "0"
Stretching of Scar Can prolong healing period and one has to avoid physical activity for weeks No such problem and one can start physical activity soon after transplant
Recovery 2-3 weeks usually need 1 month of rest for atheletes, body builders etc 3-4 days. Exercise, weight training, sports, can be resumed in 4-5 days
Donor Complications Not uncommon e.g. wide scar, painful scar, delayed healing of stitches and give away of stitches Practically nil
Short hair style Scar becomes visible, so sporting long hair style is mandatory Can easily sport short hair style
Numbness above stitches Numbness above the stitches often last for months or permanently due to division of nerves in the line of cut No numbness because there is no division of nerves
Pain in the stitches Pain for 10-30 days and sometimes even permanently due to entrapment of nerve in the area of cut Practically no post-operative pain
Tightness in the donor area Common for few months Nil
Blood loss in surgery More Minimal
Operation time Less More
Donor hair availability 3000 and sometimes 3500 in one sitting. Usually not more than 6000 in two or three sittings 5000 in one sitting. Could be even more than 10,000 with body hair transplant
For grey hairs Difficult to visualize and can have more transactions Procedure and transaction rate remains unchanged with grey hairs
For limited or poor donor area You cannot select good number of 3 and 4 hair grafts Maximum number of 3 and 4 hair grafts can be selected to increase the number of transplanted hairs
For patients with tight scalp Larger sessions and multiple sittings become difficult Ideal method
Shock loss More chances due to more invasive nature of procedure especially in the donor area Rare, due to minimally invasive nature of the procedure
For those with more risk of scarring like Asians More chances of stretched out scar and hypertrophic scar Minimum such chances
Control on graft harvesting It is possible that the strip may have less or more hairs than pre calculated You can calculate and control the exact number of grafts extraction as you wish
Special advantages  
  • With FUE, you can select single hair or multiple hair follicle when needed
  • In patients with tight scalp or multiple strip scar only FUE is effective
FUE can correct scarring caused by strip technique
Time for transplant 3000 grafts in 5 hours 3000 grafts in 10 hours
Surgeons time Surgeon spends 20% of time and Technicians spend 80% of time on the procedure Surgeon spends 80% of time and Technicians spend 20% of the time on the procedure




  • What is microfollicular hair transplant surgery?
    • This is a surgical process which redistributes hair in areas of baldness by a technique which allows transplantation of single hair follicle one by one.

  • Is Micro-follicular hair transplant the same as the previous procedure?
    • No. earlier plugs of hair or minigrafts containing 3-4 hair follicles were used. Today we realise that the best results are obtained when we use micrografts containing 1-2 hair follicles for hair transplant. This extremely delicate and painstaking procedure results in satisfactory results.

  • What are the benefits of Micro-follicular hair transplant surgery?
    • Because the donor hair is transplanted from areas not susceptible to balding, the results last a lifetime. This procedure is being used both in men and in women in androgenic alopecia as well as in other alopecia conditions, scars etc. this is a comfortable procedure, allowing return to work as soon as the next day.

  • Who is a good candidate for a hair transplant surgery?
    • If the candidate has realistic expectations from the surgery, willing to understand the process and accept that the hair transplant results can take uptoan year to come, he will be a good candidate. The most important aspect is the presence of hair on the potential donor sites, like the back of the head, without which hair transplant cannot be done.

  • What are the steps in a hair transplant procedure?
    • This procedure involves removal of hair strip from the back of the head after giving a few injections of local anesthesia. The strip is then processed to remove hair roots containing units known as micrografts or follicular units. These micrografts are then implanted one by one in the areas of baldness after giving a few local anesthesia injections there. The whole process can take 4-10 hours.

  • What is the recovery time?
    • We remove the bandages the next day. There is a bit of swelling in the area of the back of the head which can persist for a few days, however that should not stop you from carrying on your normal activities.

  • Are there complications or risks for a hair transplant?
    • None. Antibiotics are given to prevent infections. A scar on the back of the head is inevitable. However that is not visible and gets hidden beneath the hair.

  • What if the implanted hair falls?
    • Implanted hair fall within first month of hair transplant surgery. The transplanted root form new hair in 3-4 months time. They become of combable length by 6-9 months and grow like any normal hair i.e. In cycle. So they may cyclically fall and in few weeks also start re-growth. The final result is achieved by 1 to 1 and a half year when the texture and thickness of transplanted hair becomes fully mature.

  • How long do I have to take rest after hair transplant surgery?
    • You may not require rest but rest of 2-3 days may be sufficient. You should avoid heavy exercise or weight lifting etc. for a week or more after hair transplant surgery.

  • If hair transplant surgery is a day treatment will I have full-grown hair when I leave the hair transplant clinic?
    • The treatment of grafting the hair roots is over in few hour of the day and you may have short hair sticking out from the roots but it takes 8-18 months for the full grown results (average 1 year).

  • Can hair from other parts of my body be transplanted?
    • Technically hair transplant surgery from other parts of the body is possible but hair follicle from the other parts of the body when planted on the head, does maintain its genetic characteristics, and hence it does not look, feel and grow as good as scalp hair.

  • Do I need to get my hair trimmed short before the hair transplant surgery?
    • We recommend, not to undergo short trimming. Longer hair may make our plantation a bit difficult but these existing long hair will help to hide (cover) plantation site and donor site in such a way that no one can make out that you have under gone hair hair transplant surgery.

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